Welcome to Elder Benjamin Sierra's Missionary Blog. Elder Sierra will be serving for two years in the Chile Santiago South Mission as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.






Wednesday, September 20, 2017


September 13, 2017

So this week was pretty neat/different.

In Chile they have not one, but TWO days where dillinquents go out into the streets and do shannanigans! One of them is the 11th of Sept. which is supposed to commemorate the day that the communist government fell (and the dictatorship arose) but it's just an excuse for the flaites to be flaite. ๐Ÿ‘‰

Sunday night and just about all of Monday we had to stay in the house. However, we got permission to spend it in the house of other missionaries in a neighboring ward. We made no-bake cookies, pizza, played a rousing round of monopoly (which I won ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ) and made banana smoothies.  One of the new American Elders and I also taught our latino comps how to play BS. (Patraรฑas for those who were wondering about a translation) They loved it and we had fun playing it. 

On our way out Tuesday morning I found a pair of nike running shoes and soccer shoes that only fit me out of us 4, so I took em home! ๐Ÿ˜€

This week was good in many aspects. We had a great referral for a Haitian in our sector. We went by to check it out and he saw us, was super happy and invited us in. I love the Haitians. They were finishing up watching a soccer game and then the 5 of them that were there had everyone else around quiet down so we could share. We taught about the Restoration and they were very receptive. Three of them (2 had to go to work) accepted a baptismal invitation. We have a return appointment with them this week. 

We also had a Zone Conference with the entire mission on Thursday with Elder Bragg (part of the area seventy). It was a really cool meeting and he gave some great ideas on how the mission can progress even more. 

Other than that, we've been doing some contacting. A lot of our current investigators are a bit busy so it's been hard to teach lately. The district has been doing really well, though, and I'm loving being able to be really involved with how the other companionships are and helping them progress. 

That's about all for this week, have a good one!

Elder Sierra

September 6, 2017

Well, this week was a bit crazyish. I was kinda sick throughout the week and part of the weekend which slowed us down a bit. Friday, I got to do a division with a new missionary, Elder Atkinson. It was fun to go out with him and have a little change of the norm. It's always pretty cool with greenies; they're usually full of surprises! 

That day, we were doing some contacting and we found a couple of Catholic ladies who had some questions about the Church. They had a niece who's going to be sealed in the temple and they don't like that they're being "discriminated" against. We tried our best to explain how the temple is a sacred place and how they were not going to be married, but rather sealed. They just took it all personally and got offended but then they asked if we were members all our lives. We said we were and they said something about how we only believed what we believed because we were raised that way. Then Elder Atkinson bore his testimony which involved him having separated himself a lot from the Church and then coming back. The Spirit was very strong even though his Spanish was awful! The women then kind of changed the subject a bit and it was lame because they knew they felt it but it didn't soften their hearts. They did want us to come back so we'll see if they can progress. 

Funny story: There was a World Cup Qualifying game with Chile this week and on that day everyone's getting ready and starting up their grills and such. We're on our bikes heading to a home of a less active member when, as we turn a corner, we see a guy about 10 yards away pull out a pistol, shoot it off in the air and then put it back in his pants.... We just keep biking and as I pass him we make eye contact and he's like "... VAMOS CHILE!!!" and I'm just like "um... vamos Chile!" and keep going. #Justchilethings

This week was a bit tough regarding the companionship. Sunday he got upset about something and we weren't even able to go to work that day. The next morning I forced a companion inventory and it didn't go too well. However, we had a leadership meeting and after being able to interact with others he kinda got out of his rut. After that, things were good and have been good since. 

Yesterday, we actually had interviews with President. He went first and then I went. When I talked to President he actually talked to me about what my companion had said about me and it was really neat. He said that my companion said he feels bad for his companions because he doesn't always treat them very well but that he was really grateful for me in particular because I've been very patient with him. Actually, what President said (quoting my comp) was "I love Elder Sierra very much. He's been my favorite companion." That was kinda cool to hear. We talked a bit more about the sector, too. He then asked me what I thought would be good for this next change. I said,really, I just want to be kept busy with plenty of things to do and when I have changes, I'm going to be working a lot more. Then he was like, yeah I already have in mind what I'll do with you and it'll definitely do that. I'm on the inside all like ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜“

I have a slight feeling that I'll be called to train... something tells me... 

Well, it was a great interview, my best yet. Today we had some fun. We climbed a hill! It's like our only hill... but it's OUR hill! We then ate swarma; that's always a good time. I also won a game of monopoly last night, #1sttime  ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ†

That was mah week! Have a good one everybody!

-Elder Sierra





August 30, 2017


So you know how last week was pretty lame? Well this week was a lot better!!! I don't know if I mentioned that last week on, maybe, Tuesday, my comp and I kinda got fed up with each other and then we talked with the Zls. Well, now we're doing really well! Well, at least compared to last week. We've been talking a lot more and getting along great! I've been helping him more with English and recently, he's been kinda interested in going to the States (more on that later...), partly because the son of one of our members in the ward came to visit her and he's lived in Miami for the last 44 years. He's SUPER American, like more American than me! He went off for half an hour about how amazing the States are in every aspect: the people, economy, food, landscape. And Elder Bellido just sat their soaking it all in. On Sunday, he wore a USA pin on his suit and E' Bellido was like, "Hey, I like your pin!" and he was like, "I always bring my country with me wherever I go!". So now he's thinking about it...

Recently we've been teaching Haitians again! We started with a Spanish class, got some people coming and then invited a missionary that speaks French to come and harvest them! There were 5 when he taught and two of them were assistants to an Evangelical Pastor so they weren't very receptive. The other 3 really like the message of the restoration and want to hear more. One of them is extra cool. His name is Rosney and he went to church! Anyway, there came a moment towards the end where we gave them all a Book of Mormon in French and one of the less receptive ones was like, "So can I sell this?" (just to be lame) and we (the missionary who spoke French) were like, "Well, you defintely shouldn't." And he was like, "Yeah, but I could use the cash." Then the Elder said "Well, if you think the Word of God should be sold, go right ahead" And everyone went kinda silent. 

In the sector things have been better! We've found tons of people through service, Spanish classes, and some contacts! Actually, we found 12, which is really, really uncommon in our mission, so it was a pretty good week! 

Yesterday was a crazy day. First ,I woke up sick! Sore throat with headaches and just kinda general achiness. kinda lame. Then we had our district meeting and it was swell. Then, when we went out to work, my bike axel broke so we had to head to a of couple appointments on foot! Then we headed to a bike shop. I had switched bikes with my companion so he would ask because they would be sure to overcharge me for being American. When we asked about it, the price seemed kind of expensive so we walked away and called the office to see if they wanted us to do the repairs there or somewhere else. They didn't respond and we were at a corner thinking of what to do (with the bikes in our hands) when a young guy comes up to us all like "hey, Imma need your bike" and we're like "um, no" and then he says "Well, look! I have a knife!" and opens his jacket to show us a kitchen knife he has in his pocket. So, we just had to give him the bike... HOWEVER, the funny thing was he took MY bike from my comp, the broken one! I don't know how far he got, but at some point I sleep well knowing the back wheel fell off, probably while he was riding it. ๐Ÿ˜
We called President to let him know what happened and he just died with laughter! He thought it was the funniest thing in the world! So, yesterday was a pretty lame day, but I'm getting  a new bike today so it's all good. These bikes will come with gps trackers so the next times someone is robbed, President will be able to find it on his phone and we'll get the police to round 'em up! 

Today was Susan's B-day party too! It was pretty fun, we just passed by her house, ate some completos and gave her her gift! I guess I forgot to mention the gift we planned for her! I had always known she wanted a quad (like the one I have) so I made a plan with 5 other missionaries to have a member buy a quad at the temple and all of us pitched in $13 each for it! We all wrote a little message in the blank pages and she loved it! I have a video of it, but I forgot my adaptor!!!! ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Anyway, that was pretty much my week! Love you all. Have a good one!

-Elder Sierra

August 23, 2017

Hey everyone! This week has been very new! As in, we've been getting to know a lot of the new missionaries in the Zone! Things have been rough in the whole mission! Everyone's a bit down and there's been various meetings that have revolved around this subject. We're trying to reverse this phenomena and it's kinda part on us because we're DLs, so we'll be trying to pump out some bomb lessons and good divisions. 

This week we got to teach Alex again and we were like, "Hey, we're here to help you progress, so let's do that" and he was like, "Yeah, I guess we'll do that" and then he set his own baptismal date for the 23rd of September. It was a very spiritual lesson (kinda a redundant comment, I know) but we still were not feeling so hot. We later got to do a follow up appointment and he did his reading! That was pretty cool! It was 3 Nephi 27 and we passed over it again together and there was a notable difference in him and it was really good! We encouraged him to keep reading so he could get a stronger spiritual confirmation about baptism and he was very willing. We were going to do an FHE (Family Home Evening) with him and his wife, but we got there a little late and they said it'd be better for another day... kinda wierd cause that's just not very common here in Chile. We hope we didn't offend them; we'll have to see.

Things got better with my companion and me but then worse again. I ended up calling the Zone Leaders and asking for special divisions and when they came they just did an inventory instead! I was just hoping to leave but it turned out that the inventory helped a lot and at the end we hugged. I really hope things can move forward because, otherwise, things are really gonna be lame. I think they will move forward, though. 

Last night, we did what's called a "P-Day's Eve". It's where missionaries go do a sleep-over at another missionaries' house! It probably sounds like one of the most disobedient things a missionary could do, right? I thought so, too! But in the leadership meeting, (which was a summary of another meeting that the ZLs had with President) we were encouraged to do them to help missionaries not be so lonely living alone in their house with their companion, especially those who have just arrived, hardly speak Spanish and have latino companions. So, as the obedient missionaries we are... we did one ๐Ÿ˜  It's really only possible in our mission and in our bike riding zone because most houses in our mission are only about 10-15 minutes away, giving us plenty of time to get to the other house before curfew. We bought Chilean sushi with Elders Torres and Boody (brand new), two awesome missionaries! It was a blast! 

Today we finally went to President's house for our year mark!!! (three weeks ago :P)
It's always fun to go over there because it's a VERY nice house for Chile, and I'd say easily nicer then most homes in the states. We had some sloppy joes and some peach cobbler which was to DIE for!!!! ๐Ÿ˜Œ

We played some volleyball and foosball as well! And... well now I'm here! writing...

That's kinda been my week! I hope you all have a good one!

Elder Sierra

P-Day Eve with Elders Torres and Boody


August 16, 2017

This week was kinda tough. we had some baptismal dates but they've all fallen through and it's been hard to find new people to teach as of late. We'll try today to get one of the dates back. 

Today we're going to see Alexander, who just got married, and hopefully we can get things rolling with him. He got married so he could get baptized but it doesn't look like he 100% wants to. We're gonna have to work with him and see because for his wife, this is the second person she's married who wasn't at first a member of the Church and the last time it was tough on her. 

Transfers came and went and a lot of missionaries went home and a LOT arrived! Every single companionship in the Zone is training except the ZLs, Sister Training Leaders, and the DLs. So we'll be doing lots of divisions! 

We've been finding some more Haitians this week and kinda re-found a couple that used to go to church but were never taught. The owner of their rental house is an evangelical and doesn't want us teaching in there so we have to teach in the chapel. We're going to see if we can get a French-speaking missionary to help us out, but it might be hard because the one that helped us last is now an assistant so he's a bit busy. The others are hard to get a hold of. 

Today for P-day we played some soccer and watched part of Beauty and the Beast. The half I got to see was pretty great! Afterwards, we went to a food joint called "Corbatas" (ties) because their completos (hot dogs with lots of toppings) are as long as "Corbatas."

This week was a bit of a hard one in terms of the work, but I'm excited with all the Greenies! It's gonna be cool helping them grow and progress!

-Ok, Elder Sierra peace out!



Aug. 9, 2017

Dear Family,

Welp, this week had some cool stuff, like, Alexander and Angela (a part-member couple) got married so now, Alexander can get baptized! However, he needs to step it up a bit. We were going to have his baptism this weekend but that's not very likely. He needs to do more to be ready and we need to make sure he's not just following his wife to please her. He's a really nice guy, but also a bit quiet and still has slight problems with coffee. He's been accepting the missionaries for a while now so if he doesn't start changing, we may have to drop him, which would be sad. 

At our zone conference on Tuesday I got to see Elder Leles again and we reminisced during lunch about our companionship and how awesome it was in Capitan Avalos. Sadly, though, not a lot of what we did there stuck and it was kinda sad. He got a package from Brazil, though. When he was on his Mother's Day call his parents asked if I wanted a Brazilian [soccer] jersey and I was like "uh.... Yeah :) ", and they actually sent me one! He's going to pass it to me this week! (I'm also going to send him a few GO stiks as a thank you 'cause he loves them.)

Other than that, not a ton has been happening... I wish I had just happy, sunshine and roses to send this week, but I really can't. This last transfer has been quite a bit of suffering. It's been really tough, especially this last week. 

Looking back, not a single person I have taught has been baptized. Many are very close. But a year has passed, I have 11 months left and I desperately don't want this pattern to continue and I eagerly want to work harder than I ever have before, but I just quite can't and it's frustrating because my mission is coming to a close and honestly, I would that it wouldn't so soon. I love it. So as I'm spending more time like this, it's more and more difficult... Sorry for the rant, but that is the state of things right now. I wouldn't mind some prayers of support concerning this because I'm at a bit of a loss. 

Take Care,

Elder Sierra

Alexander and Angela's Wedding!