Welcome to Elder Benjamin Sierra's Missionary Blog. Elder Sierra will be serving for two years in the Chile Santiago South Mission as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.






Thursday, June 29, 2017


June 28, 2017

This week was pretty awesome!

Luchito Days

So we got this neat reference and it's for this guy called Luis Diaz and it mentioned he speaks English and even went by the nickname Luchito Days in high school. (Lucho is the nickname for Luis)
We ended up finding him in the street by accident and he was way swell. We set an appointment with him and before teaching him, we talked for 2 hours!!!  He talked a lot but much of it was about his Christian background! He was close to becoming an evangelist pastor, but when they gave him an envelope full of tithing money after a humanitarian service (telling him 'This is your cut; we've got to live, too) he said nope and left.... 

So, he was pretty receptive and really interested in the Book of Mormon and promised to read it.  We'll see how it goes. He was really, really friendly and at the end he said, (in Spanish, of course) "Hey, there's a saying in English... " (goes into English) "Friends shake hands but... brothas gotta hug!!!" and he gave me a hug! It was pretty funny in the moment. We're hopeful about him.

Piña Coladas

Finally got around to trying the coco lopez to make (non-alcoholic) piña coladas yesterday! Was a tad nervous about messing it up but I wanted to make some for the same Puerto Rican who was there for the guava pastries. Mainly, it was so he would be softer on us at the house inspections... and it worked (heh heh)
I did round two last night and it was life-changingly wonderful.

¡Vamos Chile!

We got the privilege of watching a soccer game because one finally fell on a P-day! And it wasn't just any game, it was Chile vs. Portugal! A GOOD game! It went 0-0 until penalty kicks and then Chile just went ham!!! Bravo didn't let a SINGLE ONE THROUGH. It was probably the funnest thing I think I've done one a p-day!

There's not a ton left to add, but I made a recording and that has more information so it's better. Have a great week everyone!

-Elder Sierra

Open House At The Chapel. We gave tours.


June 21, 2017

So this week is basically some more of the same! 

Nedín is just AWESOME! We taught her tithing and fast offering and she just accepted everything right away! We don't really even teach her too much, we just talk about things and she ask how she does them! Her baptismal date was set as the 15th of July, but that was set over a month ago expecting some setbacks, but none came! We're done with all the lessons and she's super ready so we'll see if it can be the 7th! 

We're teaching a less-active family named the Arrandando Family and they've changed COMPLETELY since we started teaching them!  The parents are about 30ish years old and have 2 small girls. I started with Elder Gates 5 months ago and when we came by they received us but said that they weren't ready to come back to church yet and that they wanted to settle some family issues... ok... So we only got to teach them a couple times and they were having a hard time with their faith in the Church. 

Fast forward about 3 months and we see them again. We ask them if we could stop by and they agree to do an FHE! We talk to them and they say that they really won't be able to come to church for a while because the husband is a waiter and NEVER has Sundays off. *sigh*

We keep doing the FHEs but it seems a bit useless until out of the Blue... THEY SHOW UP TO CHURCH! 😮😮😮😮
At that point Elder Leles and I are like, what happened?! And he says he got the day off! The next FHE we talk to them and they tell us he decided to talk to his boss and he got permission to come in late on Sundays to go to Sacrament Meeting each Sunday and all 3 hours once a month!!!! 

After that, in two weeks, they're saying family prayers, couples prayers, and reading the scriptures every night! Maria Paz (the mom) quite smoking and they stopped selling cigarettes and gave away all their coffee and tea. They've even starting counting their store profit every day to be able to pay tithing! We taught them about temples and sealing yesterday and they are #down!
The only sad thing is that Alejandro (the husband) might be excommunicated... but he's still really enthusiastic! 
All in all, just another one of the reasons I'm going to miss this ward...

Other than that, it's kinda cold! Not really cold, but nobody has anything more than space heaters so sometimes you can see your breath in peoples' houses! We have heaters that go under our blankets, though, so we are all nice n' toasty :)

Oh and by the way, those light-up balloons you sent for my birthday are pretty dope! They're still going! We got home one day to a lack of power in the neighborhood and I lit a bunch of them up and it illuminated the house! 10/10

That's about it! Chau!

Elder Sierra

Nedín and the rest of her a family at FHE

June 14, 2017

This week was pretty HARDCORE!

First off, Nedìn is going strong on her date for the 15th (I think I've been saying other dates, but it's for sure the 15th!) Actually, we may bring it up a week, she progresses VERY fast, but we don't want to push her and she already has a calendar and she's happy with the 15th. 

NeXt comes the more miraculous part: There's been this less active family that we've been doing FHEs with to try to help them, but it's been super hard and they haven't really been progressing. They told us that, because the husband is a waiter, they'll never have Sundays off... HOWEVER, after working with them for a good 5 weeks, out of the blue they show up to church! We talk to them and Alejandro (the dad) said they got the day off! Then we had another FHE with them and they tell us they've finally started reading the Book of Mormon on a daily basis! 

But that's not ALL! Alejandro then tells us that he talked to his work and they gave him permission to come into work late on Sundays so he can go to Sacrament Meeting and sometimes classes! 

AND THEN Maria (the mom), who had had the hardest time with the church, because she never understood faith nor the Atonement, said she had a dream where God, The Father, was disappointed in her, almost scolding her in a Fatherly manner saying "I've given you so many tools to help you and you're still failing?"  She felt pain and shame and then Christ appeared and started advocating for her and she felt relief and peace. I left out some details, but after explaining her dream she said, "I now understand what people mean when they talk about the Atonement"

It was kinda cray because everything she said made doctrinal sense and usually when people tell us things like that it's a bit weird and doesn't really add up, but she was SPOT ON.

So we're kinda amazed over here and then we're just chatting about their progression and I mention the temple and endowment for some reason and she says "OH YEAH, what's that stuff you wear after?" and we're like, garments, and she's like "I read something and then had the feeling that I need to get to that level, to be able to do that to become more clean..." It was a cray FHE!

And we also have been talking to a youth of 18 years who's a recent convert and now he's gonna pray to decide about going on a mission #score

I think I've written quite a bit and that's what's been going on in Capitàn Àvalos... Oh yeah, and I think I'm leaving in 2 weeks... I've been here for 6 months but wouldn't mind staying for a good 3 more! I REALLY hope I stay but it's a fat chance! Have a great week everyone!

Elder Sierra


June 7, 2017

Dear Mom,

Things have actually been going REALLY well!!! 
Nedín is just the biggest "regalón"!!! She came to church for the 4th time and was finally able to stay for 2nd hour so she attended gospel principles and loved it! There was one little part that went array. The teacher is really good, but messed up a little because she said "no se puede lograr la exaltación y regresar a vivir con Dios sí no es casado!" Needless to say she was a bit rustled up, but she stayed calm and quiet and when we went to visit her in the afternoon we talked to her about it and explained the millenium a bit and cleared everything up! We also taught her the Word of Wisdom and in the middle of teaching it, she committed to letting go of tea! She ALWAYS follows through on her readings and some she reads multiple times if she feels like it! She's going strong on her date for the 18th of July!

We also have Arnoud Delmont and Gracien Delmont, the Haitian brothers! Elder Leles and I decided it was critical we get some missionaries that speak French to help teach them because they just couldn't progress anymore. We called an American missionary who had supposedly taught himself French on the mission. We planned a lesson with him and our Haitian bros in the church and it turned out to be amazing! The Elder that helped us spoke very good french and we set up a schedule to meet up twice a week to teach them! Arnoud has his date for the 1st of July and Gracien will have the same date if he commits to keeping the law of chasity and works towards marrying his not-wife when she arrives to Chile. They explained that they weren't sure about getting baptized beforehand because they didn't understand things too well, however, now they are comfortable with the idea. 
It's pretty exciting to see things falling into place even though I have probably only 4 more weeks in this area. I kinda hope I don't leave but that would be very unlikely. But yeah... allí estamos(there we are)...
2-3 baptisms lined up as I leave here and I'm really interested to see how things will be when their families of 6 each get here later this year. I'll see if I can get some pictures with them too! That's what's happening over here! 

-Elder Sierra

May 31, 2017

So this week we've been really seeing some growth in the ward! The members have even been mentioning it to us because we've been getting people to church they haven't seen in over a year. 

The greatest success of the week by far was with Nedín! We set a baptismal date for July 15th, and it's rock solid! We visit her every Sunday and now Fridays, too, and this last Sunday we gave her a baptismal calendar and have the path completely set up! She's super good at reading and we read 3 Nephi 11 with her because she was having a hard time understanding it when she read it. We got up to verse 17 about the people feeling the print in Christ's hands and feet. We talked about it and talked about baptism for a bit. She then was like "but I already was baptized by the Catholics, wouldn't it be bad to do it again?" and we were "Heck naw". Actually no... we said "Why don't we keep reading the next few verses?" 
And then she was like "OH, I need to be baptized by the proper authority and repent beforehand!" #golden
So we continued and introduced her to the Triple so she could read Joseph Smith History. We asked if she would start it but she was like "12 pages?" I can read that by Friday!" Things are looking really good! 

Today for p-day we watched Rogue One and played some soccer! Rogue One was a lot more intense than I thought it would be!!! And the ending had everyone going crazy! 
Anyway, I'm going to let this letter be a little shorter this time because I have some other friends to write while we chat.

Love you all. Have a great week!

-Elder Sierra 

May 24, 2017May 24, 2017

So today was pretty awesome!!!

First off though, the package was SUPER awesome! And I loved all the stuff you guys put in there and it was ingenious! I gotta go on a hunt for some 100% pineapple juice, but when I get it we're gonna go so ham on the Piña Coladas!  [Mom sent him Coco Lopez so he could make virgin piña coladas for his birthday.]

The scripture case is actually really amazing because it's really easy to carry so I've been using that now and I'm going to leave the other one I have here to be a seveanuer (recuerdo), perdóname el inglés)  [ So, none of that is English but he's saying: a souvenir, recuerdo is souvenir in Spanish, and 'forgive my English' in Spanish. 😂😂😂 #9monthsinChile  #teachinghaitiansandchileans #doesn'tknowhe'snotspeakingenglish! ]

Also those hydration stiks are AWESOME. My comp and I LOVE them and it's ridiculous how much it really helps us drink water!!! Also, I don't know if I mentioned this but his parents are going to send me a Brazilian [soccer] jersey! They asked me during his call if I wanted one and I was like "...YEAH" so it'll be coming this transfer I think. 

Anyway, the plan [for my birthday] was to go to Carlos' today for some chorillana and whatnot, however, he had some problem with work and had to work so he cancelled at 9:30 last night! So that was a slight bummer. My comp, though, as the baller he is, organized a surprise party for me! He told me last night that an elder that we both know was going to have to go home this week due to health problems and that he was gonna have a farewell party. He then was like "So, do you mind if we go for a little bit in the morning... I know it's your birthday so it's completely up to you. " and I was like, "Yeah, of course!" and when we got there everyone was like, "Surprise!" and I was like, "But where's Elder Moura!?"
It was a great surprise and they have it on video. I'll probably share it tonight 'cause we'll be in the chapel. 

That was mostly it this week! 

Oh yeah, and we also got Nedín to commit to a baptismal date and we feel GREAT about it! She's super awesome and when we asked her what she got out of reading 2 Nephi 32 she was like "Well... I read it a few times to get to understand it better and I think I should have Faith in Jesus Christ, abandon my sins and get baptized...." 
Needless to say, it was a good lesson! Nedín will get baptized July 18.
We can only see her on Sundays so it'll be a little bit. I'll be gone by then but will totes be coming back!

We also had a nice lesson with the Haitians brothers, Gracien and Arnoud! We watched part of Joseph Smith Prophet of the Restoration and they really liked it and told us walking home they were very happy! 
Him: "y-yo estoy contendo!" [not a word in Spanish]
Me: "... está contento? como feliz?" [You are content, like happy?]
Him: "Si!!! 😃" [Yes!]

Anyway that's about all for this week! Have a great one!

-Elder Sierra

BIngham High School Madrigals singing Happy Birthday to Elder Sierra:


gosh dang... I don't think I've heard singing that nice in all my 10 months here!!!

May 17, 2017


So, there's not too much report after having talked on Sunday, but I'll try! 

We're super busy with all kinds of appointments and things to do. When we try to do more planning we end up getting behind! Elder Leles and I decided to talk to our Zone leaders to see if they had any advice because they're exemplary missionaries and they suggested that we focus on inviting people to baptism in the first lesson and if they reject us (or depending on how we feel) we can leave them for a little bit while we develop the rest who really want to progress. Those guys are just gems!

For this P-day we went to climb a big hill! It's call Chena Hill and it's the only hike in our mission but it's a pretty good one! We then hung out at a neat playground and my zone leader tackled me on an innovative swing set by accident. It was recorded and made for a pretty good video! I'll share it when I get it! 

Other than that, not much else happened. I talked with Carlos and Susan and next week we'll have some chorillana at their house for my birthday and they want to ask President for permission to watch Rogue One with us. 
Various views from the hike and pictures of us climbing​:


May 10, 2017

So this week was actually pretty dang eventful!

We've met EVEN MORE Haitians - three of them - and we taught the Restoration to all of them at once! It went swimmingly for two of them but the other one just kept asking questions like, "but if I read the Book of Mormon, how do I know I won't be tricked by Satan?"..... ugh! We tried our best to explain and by the end he agreed to pray before-hand and when we said we would give them one the other two were like "Yeah we'll read it!" and took it from us all happy-like!

We also had another lesson with our other, more established Haitians, John and Arnold Delmont (Gracien Delmont was sick so couldn't come). We had it in the chapel and showed them Finding Faith in Christ in French! They loved it and Arnold was crying! We invited them to a baptismal date and they both accepted! Afterward, we had invited all our Haitians and other investigators, as well as a bunch of members, to play soccer at the church! The Haitians played REALLY well and were showing all the Chileans up hard... we ended up mixing up the teams so there would be no racial tension! 

Four of our Haitian investigators came to church and 3 stayed for all 3 hours! It was awesome and they're getting better at Spanish! Our Spanish classes have been going well and it's been a great way to retain them and help them get to know the church as they continue becoming comfortable with the language!

Oh yeah! It rained a bunch and one of the rooms in our house flooded! It was super lame, but at least it wasn't where we sleep and nothing important got damaged! Also, the floor was kinda cleaner by the time everything was said and done... so I guess it wasn't too bad. 

Anyway, that was most the week! Super excited to talk to everyone on Sunday!!!

Elder Sierra

I found my 'dad', Elder Sims, at a zone activity!
p-day activity. We split into two teams by means of paint and then did various games for points. I was happy to see Elder Sims again
Flooded floors

​ Me in the bed when Carlos (a member) came into our room in the morning and started shaking it. All of the sudden, all the boards fell out of the bunk bed and my mattress just fell through...
I just put the boards back on. He pretty much did what he was going for. LOL

May 3, 2017

Dear Family,

So today I completed 9 months in the mission!!! WHAT! That's half a sister missionary's mission!!! Things have been going super fast! And kinda even a bit too fast! 9 months?! I'm almost at the downhill and that just makes me sad :(
I got my scripture case today! It's not too bad! Just took a couple months to get!

So things with Chilean investigators haven't been going to well. I'm not sure why, but it's been really rough recently. We've been working really hard, and have been super busy lately, but just don't seem to be having much progress.

On the other hand, things with the Haitians are going pretty dang well! After the slight harvest we had recently a handful have been progressing better than the others. They don't progress very fast, but they're just outstanding people. 

We've been keeping it coming with the Spanish classes! Saturday and Wednesday we had 8 students! (6 were the same, two were different) and yesterday, we were able to stop by the mission office to get a bunch of new materials and stuff to help us! It's really cool and the Haitians are really thankful for it! ​

Today for P-day we went to a newish mall in Chile and it was pretty fun. They have a lot of neat stores there and a really big super market that sells a lot of American things! For the first time in 9 months Imma have root beer :D
I was also able to get some puff pastry sheets and it was the biggest struggle to explain what I was looking for because to them pastelitos are little cakes, and "mil hojas" is also not really it. But the worker there was really determined, and my comp and I tried to tell him like 4 times that it was fine and to just forget it, but he was "NO, I got this!!" and then he actually found it! I hope he wins employee of the month.

That was the better part of what happened this week! Have a good one everyone!

-Elder Sierra

Oh yeah! 
Santiago just got this new train! It's integrated into the public transport system here and no one knows about it! It's a dream!


April 26, 2017

Dear Family,

This week we've had a lot of random things happen.
We've found even more Haitians throughout the week and they seem to have a network of friendships and relationships between each other because we'll meet one and they know another from a different house and they seem to be a bit aware of each other. We're starting some Spanish classes and it seems like a lot might be coming because almost every Haitian could use some practice with their Spanish. It's going to help us a lot stay in contact with them.

Actually of our Haitian investigators came with us to stake conference​

It was really awesome because we couldn't explain a ton to them but they just were super trusting and got on the bus with us and we went to the stake center. 

We also attended a birthday party for the 2-year-old of one of our investigators! The mom, Denise, invited us and explained that they don't let just anyone into their home and that we've helped them maintain peace in their home. She also explained that to her, we were more than just missionaries or friends. So we ended up passing by for half an hour and it was literally us, the family of four, 2 grandparents and 2 other relatives, so they really meant it! It was a cool experience and it's a bit hard because Denise feels like she's received an answer, more or less, but her (not)husband doesn't like churches, though he's very friendly with us. So she needs to separate or marry to progress... 
Here in Chile it's a similar story for A LOT of people. 

On a happy note, we hadn't found Francisca for about a week and it seemed to the point where they were trying to avoid us! But then we found her. She'd been leaving every day to see her mom who was sick! So finally, we can work with them again!!!

That's the most part of what happened this week! Love you all. Have a great week!


April 20, 2017


This week was pretty legit! First off, we went to the temple with our ward mission leader and another awesome member in our ward for their endowments! It was pretty cool!Inline image 1

The Santiago temple is kinda small but it's swell and it's always awesome to head out to the temple whenever we get the chance! 

The last couple of days we also have been super busy! Like, really busy! Yesterday, was the once-in-ten-year census so everyone had the day off and everyone had to stay inside until they got counted. After we had been counted in the morning we were able to go ham on all our investigators and people we wanted to see because everyone would be home. We had a ton of set appointments that day (which is less common in our mission) and got a lot done. 

We started teaching a 14-year-old girl in a part member family and she accepted a date to get baptized. Her name's Kimberly and she's pretty nice, but also really shy, so we're trying to get the young women to help fellowship her. 

Another super crazy thing happened this week! In the last two days we've found 12 new Haitians to teach! It all started when we saw this Haitian next to the church building by a bike repair shop and talked to him. He was pretty nice and accepted a visit. When we went by, he introduced us to his two cousins and we started to teach the 3 of them the Restoration. Part-way into the lesson, 3 more hear us teaching and show up and join in! When we end the lesson my companion hands around his agenda so we can get all their names and info and we plan another appointment to visit them!  Through very similar means, we find 3 more Haitians to teach and then yesterday, we also found a new family while they were outside playing with their kids. They said they wouldn't be home anytime but in the morning so we decided to visit them this morning during our first hour of p-day. Only the mom was up but it was a really good lesson and she accepted a baptismal invitation. 

So now, we're just scrambling around trying to make sure we can retain them all. The majority of them speak Spanish pretty well, but some don't and we use the French & Creole materials we have to help teach them, as well as using Haitians who can translate. We woke up early this morning to go to the chapel to print out invitations for the Spanish classes that we'll be holding twice a week and then we booked it to our appointment. Right at the end of P-day we'll be booking it again and we'll teach the group of 6 Haitians again. 

Things have been a bit hardcore lately and it's a joy to be so busy in the work of the Lord! More updates next week!

-Elder Sierra 

Answers to questions from home:

The chileans here drink soda like crazy! They almost never drink pure water! It's either sugary juice or soda! Sometimes, even if you ask for water they'll give you coke and say "el agua es para los perros" (water is for dogs)  I'm drinking water, and I'm gonna do it more, too. There's a healthy eating competition in our mission because the people here eat so poorly. The mission's a bit worried so they have a point system and everything!

Fransisca and Enrique have been having a tough time, mainly Fransisca. We were been able to share The Family: A Proclamation to the World and talk about marriage and it went well. We even committed them to talk about a date but then we didn't get to see her this week because her mom has some health problems and she's really sad about that. We think that when Enrique isn't home she tries to distance herself and doesn't answer the door because we've passed by 4 times and she hasn't been home even when it looks like she is. So, she could really use some prayers. 

Yeah, Haitians are super awesome, just a great great people! It's hard a lot of times because they may not know Spanish well or work a lot, or are moving around a lot because they're unestablished immigrants most of the time. But, we found 2 families that are quite established that speak Spanish pretty dang well!

I heard you're basically penpals with Susan! 
She's super awesome and it's true, you ARE the only missionary mom she gets to talk with! (at least from the States) She said she really likes talking with you. They sometimes mention things they may want in a package from the states and I spoke to her yesterday wondering if there was anything she wanted and she was like "Pff, I don't need you, I can talk to your mom directly muwhahaha" She's really cool and is always helping us out when she can! 

These people think they have a winter! It's really not that bad. We also get heating pads to put on our matresses but the people are always reall


April 12, 2017

Dear Mom,

My new comp is Elder Leles! He's a Brazilian and I love him a lot!!! He just got out of his training so this is the second companion in a row that's fresh off training. He speaks Spanish really well, it's a bit 'Portuguesesy' but it's still a bit better than mine. At this point, I'm really happy to have a non-American as my companion because we've been in a pure English house this entire past transfer and it was hard on the Spanish. I feel pretty comfortable with Spanish; I just have to get used to speaking it all day long, 24/7.

I wasn't able to get my package today but it's all good. 
That's really cool that you're doing service in the ward even though you don't have a calling! Visits are like the bread and butter of a good organization in the Church! We've got the ward attendance a little higher, but it's still not doing too hot. Our members just don't seem to do much. I can only imagine how great it'd be if people just visited each other!...  

...This week, Elder [ ] left and I wasn't 100% sad. He started getting really prideful because he thought he was hot stuff and that was hurting the lessons because he would end lessons without inviting people to be baptized when the Spirit was strong and was simply teaching lessons rather than the people. Elder Leles is a lot different and we were talking a lot yesterday and he's really cool! We made a baptismal calendar for Fransisca and we'll be seeing her finally today because Enrique had some health problems. It should be a really good lesson.

Enrique and Nedín had both been busy for a while but we finally got to see him again and he has a new job now as a manager at a sushi place! He now has a schedule which is gonna help a lot! We want to try to give him the same date as Fransisca but we'll have to see how things go. They both keep their commitments, it's just been a matter of finding them when they have time.

Today we went to a mall! I had never been because it's a bit far but it's really cool and is the only one in the mission that's nice like American malls. We ate at a place called Johnny Beans (Chipotley place) and then later went to check out stores. I actually took the liberty of buying a jacket for the winter! It was only $30 and it's really what I need. So now with that, I have 3 jackets and I think I'm good! I realize that most/all clothing needs would be easier to resolve here cause there are Ferias and stores to find stuff and it'd be cheaper. 

​Picture with the old house
​Picture with the old house, and Carlos​

​Elder Leles, my Brazilian Companion

​My joggers got a big (unsewable) hole in them so I burned them... 

Have a great week!

Elder Sierra


April 5, 2017

Hey mom!

This week things couldn't move that far along because of the Combatant Youth thing and also, General Conference. I don't have a ton to update you on with the investigators except in regards to Fransisca and Enrique! They were able to see the Saturday afternoon session of Conference and had a great experience! Fransisca, especially, was glued to the TV. We actually watched it in Carlos' house because he has a bunch of small kids and it was easier to not go to the stake center. Fransisca even mentioned she had a question about how the church views gays and she said the talk from Elder Holland (which was the bomb diggity, by the way) really helped answer her question! 
We're gonna teach them more about living prophets today and leave them a copy of the Living Christ and Proclamation to the Family. I'm really really hoping they'll continue to progress. 

Today, we had the awesome chance to go to the Temple!!! It was actually my first time in the Santiago Temple and it's A LOT smaller in person. I'd say it's pretty much like the Lubbock one. Afterward, we went to Pizza Hut and we got some meat lovers with Cheesy bits!!! 
That was also a really happy moment. 

In about a week I'll have a new companion because President basically told him he was leaving, so next week I"ll let you guys know who I'm with.

Another cool thing that happened was that Valentina Varas, the girl we helped reactivate in Las Americas, is thinking about going on a mission!!! She's been continuing super strong in the Church and even made all the missionaries there dope knit ties!!! Imma see if she'll make me one, because all the missionaries in the ward got one and they wore them to zone conference. They were wonderful! The only problem is, the Bishop there is being super lame from what I've heard. 

Anyway, that's the greater part of what happened this week.

Love you all. Have a good one!

-Elder Sierra