Welcome to Elder Benjamin Sierra's Missionary Blog. Elder Sierra will be serving for two years in the Chile Santiago South Mission as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.






Sunday, February 11, 2018

Letter Handwritten on December 9, 2017

Merry Christmas!

In spite of this hot and uninspiring Christmas season in Santiago, I thought it fit to write a letter! It's been a little while, huh? I actually wrote one 4 months ago and gave it to my trainer to take home with him to give you guys but he somehow never got it.I left it in his stuff but he said it wasn't there. Meh.

Christmas is just not as cool here, like, in any measurable way. They do try, though; I guess it's just harder here, I suppose. Their ignorance of all American desserts (i.e., all cookies and fudge) sure make it tough. Nevertheless, they do try to consecrate Christmas as a time of giving and service which is cool. I was thinking the other day and I realized that Christmas is more effective at softening hearts than most religions...

But, okay, enough about that. Things here have been pretty swell. I've still been an bit stressed/anxious lately because me comp's going home and is on a downward spiral in focus, but nine more days! Next will be a brand new missionary and Imma work him so hard!

After this Christmas season I'm hoping we can get in that gosh darn font! There's a lot of people I feel would be baptized if they would just have time! In one case, it's less active parents that have a busy schedule so we can't visit their daughter! When stuff like this happens I get pretty frustrated and once, even threw my phone at my closet! (It's okay, though, 'cause our phones are indestructible and I had wanted to throw my phone for a while!) I was really mad because, literally, the only obstacle for some of these people was their work/schooling and it's silly to not be saved in the kingdom of God because you had to work 45 hours a week and just didn't have time!

One day, I was listening to a talk on the DVD player and it was on patience and it talked about how, when we don't have patience, we grow the desire to remove people's agency and are arguing with the Lord's timetable because we want things in our time and how all that's Satan's plan. So, after being compared to Satan, I quickly learned more patience! (heh) I also learned about hope, which is a principle of attitude! Even if we have a great degree of faith to do good works and repent we'll find ourselves despairing if we don't trust that good things will come simply because God is good and is for us.

There's been a surprising amount of food donations to my comp and I, me and my comp! (#Istillgotit #speakerofEnglish) One family, that makes for some tough investigators, sure knows how to spoil us! The dad is starting up his own distributorship for almacenes [little corner grocery stores] and works for Marichan (a ramen noodle company). One time, he hooked us up with about 4 kilos of rice, a half-liter of oil and a bunch of pasta. Another time, he gave us 12 Cup O Noodles. It was sick! Then, yesterday, this random woman, who we'd known for about 2 minutes, gave us a kilo of Swordfish, and it was all fillets! We echared [spanglish for 'threw'] some Spike on that bad boy and baked it that very night. I even had some today for breakfast.

I got a new Mate cup, too! This one's much better. It's metal, but with a leather cover. So now, I have a 'guest cup' that I can use to get people hooked on Mate. Side note: I still don't know if Dad was kidding or not when he said he had to go into a 12-step program over Mate. [Yes, Dad was teasing him 😂😂😂]

One time, we were contacting and there was this fairly nice guy we were talking to but the conversation went randomly blasphemous/apostate. He said, "If I was you guys' parents, I wouldn't let you do this whole mission thing," and we were like, "Nah, but it's for a good reason." But then he said, "But I ain't gonna let my kids go to a foreign country and not see them for 2 years! I'm the patriarch of the home. It's me first, then God." He actually said that. I was thinking afterward, "Good thing that guy isn't my dad." 

I'm so grateful I have parents who are faithful and sincere in their dealings with God. I guess growing up in the Church, I had taken that for granted. Most people here put more thought into what school they'll enroll their kids into than what they believe concerning God, what church to join, or if it even makes a difference to them.

Breaking News: I just smelled my blankets and they smell like swordfish...What have I done?

So here in Nocedal, I'll be spending some 3 months more and then I'll have only 3 transfers left! So, I probably only have one more area. The idea of the mission ending is  just too crazy. I don't think I'm ready yet. Hopefully, I'll be ready in 7 1/2 more months.

I really like the mission. There's really nothing like it in the world, ever! I know it seems like I'm often hard on the Chileans, but I've grown to love them a lot. I mean, the Lord said some pretty harsh things about the Jews, but he also loved them a lot!...It's kinda like that!...sorta... Nah, but these poor goobers need the Gospel pretty darn bad so in that sense, it's kinda not hard to feel compelled to love and help them. And I realize how badly I need the Gospel so that helps!

I think that's about all for this terribly unorganized and off-track letter! I hope you guys know how much I love you all. I'm always praying for you and I know that the Lord can and will take care of you all better than I could if I were home. Merry Christmas and Happy 2018

Elder Benjamin Sierra

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